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How To Use Our Site

Effective Date: May 2, 2024

This page outlines how to use the LifePrep Academy website and curriculum.


Students and parents gain access to the LifePrep Academy website and curriculum through either a direct purchase by a parent (Create Membership) or through a donated membership provided by a school or nonprofit organization.

To begin, Sign In using Schoology, Clever or the LifePrep Academy log in. You will be transferred to the DASHBOARD, where everything takes place. Click on one of the eight (8) pictured categories to explore the entire curriculum or select Quick Links to see a list of quick links to every part of the website.

Create your plan for graduation and life after high school by clicking on the My Plan link.


School and group administrators with Active accounts Sign In to the LifePrep Academy website and curriculum through the School & Group tab. Administrators will be transferred to the ADMIN DASHBOARD, where you can view all of your students, access their My Plan pages, monitor the number of Sessions they've completed, send direct emails to both student and parent, and more.

To be transferred to the STUDENT DASHBOARD, click on the Dashboad link under Students & Parents. Click on one of the eight (8) pictured categories to explore the entire curriculum or select Contents to see a list of quick links to every part of the website.


District administrators Sign In to the LifePrep Academy website and curriculum through the School & Group tab. Administrators will be transferred to the DISTRICT DASHBOARD, where you can view information on all of your schools and students, access their individual school/group pages and more.

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